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  • Fellow of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (FCNS)

  • During the 2023 Annual Business meeting, the Executive Committee of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons approved the Fellow of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (FCNS) designation to serve as a recognition of professional standing and commitment to excellence in the specialty of neurosurgery. 

    FCNS serves as an early recognition for residency graduates prior to their Board certifications. This is only available to Active members in good standing (licensed practicing neurosurgeons in North America- US, Canada, and Mexico).

    "Good standing" includes meeting all requirements of CNS membership, including ensuring membership dues are current. More information on the requirements for Active membership in the CNS can be found here.

    All current CNS Active members are automatically eligible to display FCNS in their professional resumes, CVs, marketing material, professional social media account like LinkedIn and signature blocks by appending the FCNS after the individual's name and medical degree.

    If an individual does not maintain good standing with their membership, including having unpaid dues, they will not be eligible to utilize the credential until their membership is back in good standing.

    If you have questions regarding your membership status or eligibility for this designation, please contact CNS Member Services ( 

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