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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/10/1903

    Columbia, Mo.

    September 10, 1903

    Dear Mother and Father,

    I have now passed three days at school. The time has been spent making entrance to the University which keeps you busy and running from one place to another waiting for the crowds for your turn.

    The University is a grand set of buildings, about 12 in all, made of finest brick surrounded by pretty lawns and flowers and paved walks. There is a new building built for the medical students, and is equipped with every convenience.

    There is a great crowd here but they all seem to be nice boys. It keeps you busy making acquaintenances. We have also been very busy today putting down our carpet and fixing up our room which is now very nice. I believe the nicest in the club. The boarding club will not be open until Saturday. We have been boarding at a hotel downtown for $3.50 per week and get fine meals, except they don't give enough to fill my appetite. I don't think that is very high compared with prices here. You cannot get meals anyplace for less than 25ยข but we bought a ticket and got a reduction.

    We were very lucky in getting our room. The persons who were in it before left several things (including much dirt), a fine brass bed, (the other beds are plain iron), a bureau and washstand, so we are pretty well fixed. I saved $5 by being validictorian which, though small, nevertheless it helps out. I have about $27 left but have not bought any books yet. They are very high ranging from $10 to $15 but by joining a co-operative club you get them 10% or 1/10 cheaper. It costs $1 to join the club but you soon make more than that back.

    I am getting the Democrat and Capital here by mail all right.

    I have met many of the Sedalia boys and girls here.

    Tomorrow our regular work begins. School runs from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. I shall take English, German, Greek, Chemistry and Physics which keeps me as every one else very busy all the time.

    When did Papa go to work? Are you worrying? How is Mr. Battersby getting along? Joe Ikenberry is anxious for Stanley to come and keep him company. I think I will now close and go to bed. I am well and hope you are the same.

    Your loving son, Walter E. Dandy

    Do not expect to much from me in the letter line for you know I can not write a good letter. Write soon with lots of news.

    Address U.B. Club., Columbia, Mo.

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