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  • When is the Late-breaking Abstract submission deadline?

    The deadline for the Late-breaking Abstract Center has passed.

    Can I submit more than one abstract?

    There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit. All abstracts submitted must be original science, not previously presented as peer-reviewed original science at any other regional, national, or international scientific conference. Prior presentation by students/trainees at local research symposia is acceptable.

    What are the presentation formats?

    Oral Presentation or Digital Poster

    Final abstract presentation format will be at the discretion of the Scientific Program Committee. 

    Oral Presentations are selected from the highest ranked abstracts from each neurosurgical subspecialty for podium presentation in scientific sessions.

    Digital Posters are created in the CNS digital poster center and are displayed electronically on multiple screens in the CNS Xperience Lounge during open Exhibit Hall hours.  Viewers can search by title, subject, or author to find a digital poster to view on the screen.  There is no podium presentation associated with a digital poster presentation.

    All abstracts that are accepted, regardless of format, will also be displayed continuously throughout the meeting as a Digital Poster, available for viewing on multiple screens in the CNS Xperience Lounge during open Exhibit Hall hours Monday-Wednesday and after the Annual Meeting on the CNS website. Meeting participants have the opportunity to review copies of any poster at their convenience throughout the meeting. Your original abstract will be converted to a Digital Poster upon acceptance and you will be able to edit and further enhance it prior to the Digital Poster deadline of August 31, 2024.  Digital posters cannot be edited after the August 31, 2024 deadline.

    How can I add authors?

    Search the database for author names on the Authors tab. If the authors are not in the database, select “Add New Author.” Once the Late-breaking Abstract Center closes, you will not be able to add or delete authors.

    What information is required?

        • Title
        • Abstract (300-word maximum) separated into:
          • Introduction
          • Objective
          • Methods
          • Results
          • Conclusion
        • Disclosure of conflict of interest

    Can I add images to my abstract?

    Up to five images may be attached to your submission. Images cannot be in PDF format.

    Are awards available for Late Breaking Abstracts?

    There are no awards available for abstracts submitted to the Late Breaking Abstract Center.

    Can I edit my abstract once it has been submitted?

    Edits can be made until the Abstract Center submission deadline for Late Breaking Abstracts only. Edits can include changing the title, adding or deleting authors or changing the abstract body for Late Breaking Abstracts only.

    Abstracts may be edited until the deadline for submission: June 20, 2024. If you need to make edits after submitting, please reach out to so your abstract can be switched back to “draft” status. After June 20, 2024, no changes in content or authors may be made.

    Who will review the abstracts?

    All abstracts are blindly reviewed by a committee of qualified neurosurgeons.

    When will I be notified of the results?

    Notifications of the Abstract Selection Committee's decision will be sent at the end of July via email to the submitting authors of all abstracts, regardless of the outcome.

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